Easy Tips on How to Reduce Swelling in Feet
If you’ve ever looked down after a long day and wondered why your feet have suddenly been replaced with giant, swollen water balloons, you’re not alone. Swelling of the feet, or oedema, is caused by fluid buildup in the leg tissue. It can occur very easily and can affect anyone, but is particularly common during pregnancy, in people who are on their feet all day, or people who have specific medical conditions or take medications that cause oedema.
Occasional swelling that is painless is generally harmless and usually resolves on its own. If pain or tenderness, fever, severe skin tightness, blurred vision or headache accompanies your swelling or is persistent, it’s important to consult a health professional.
Learn How to Reduce Swelling in Feet
When learning how to reduce swelling in your feet, consider following these tips to improve your circulation and reduce swelling:
Stay hydrated
Ironically, being dehydrated actually increases leg swelling because your body tries to hang onto all the fluid it has to prevent further dehydration. Your body has a tendency to store this excess fluid in your extremities.
Stay active
Being immobile makes it harder for your body to process extra fluid. If you’re sitting or standing for long periods, even small leg movements can help break the fluid down. Walk around, flex your leg muscles or do circular ankle movements as often as possible.
Put your feet up
You can limit the effects of gravity by elevating your feet (preferably above your heart) during sleeping, or several times a day while sitting.
Use compression stockings
Compression stockings are excellent at helping your body defy gravity and eliminate fluid buildup. As a bonus, they also assist with blood flow, reduce pain and prevent circulation issues. For best results, use stockings with graduated compression, as they are more effective.
Soak your feet
A cool foot bath, preferably with Epsom salts, will reduce inflammation, swelling and mild discomfort. Epsom salts provide soothing benefits while also boosting your body’s magnesium levels, which can help with swelling.
Massage your legs
You can massage your legs towards the heart. This helps move fluid upwards to help your body break it down.
Trust TXG Australia for Quality Compression Wear
Lifestyle changes, medications and herbal supplements can also help with swelling, but require a consultation with your doctor. For at-home support, all you need is a good pair of our compression stockings and you’ll have everything you need to keep your ankles feeling their best. If you have questions about any of our products, contact us or check out our oedema range for more information.
Note: The information provided here is for general use and is not intended to act as medical advice. We advise anyone interested in this subject to seek qualified, professional advice.