Travel Compression Socks: What You Need to Know

You may have seen people pulling on their travel compression socks when boarding a flight, but didn’t really understand what they were used for and whether you should be getting some too.

To clear up any questions you may have, let’s take a look at what you need to know.

It’s not just older people that need them

Many people believe that compression socks are only needed by older people that have a higher risk of getting Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) or blood clots, but this is actually not the case.

You should consider getting flight socks if you are:

  • Going to be on a flight that is longer than a couple of hours
  • Pregnant
  • Normally an active person who is on their feet a lot
  • A regular flyer

You should also use flight socks if you are a diabetic or take oestrogen supplements, as you have a higher risk of getting DVT.

There are different levels of compression

Not all travel socks are created equal, there are actually different levels of compression available. Most people are usually fine with 15-20 mmHg (millimetres of mercury), but people that have a higher risk of blood clots or who have previously had DVT will want to go for 20-30 mmHg.

If you are unsure which compression is right for you, you should consult with your doctor to get their recommendation. You can also contact us for some friendly advice.

They have more than one purpose

Not only do flight socks decrease your risk of DVT, but they are also ideal for people who suffer from oedema (swelling) due to a medical condition. Wearing compression socks means that a person’s lower legs, ankles and feet remain at their usual size and they are able to walk comfortably when they get off the plane.

person wearing black socks and white sneakers


They are not the only way to stop your risk of DVT or blood clots

When on a long flight, there are other ways to help decrease your risk of getting DVT and blood clots including:

  • Getting up and moving around regularly. Walking up and down the aisle as well as stretching in your seat can help keep blood circulating.
  • Wearing loose clothing
  • Avoiding alcohol and sleeping pills

They could save your life

Sitting for lengthy periods of time increases your risk of getting a life-threatening blood clot. Wearing compression socks from the start to the end of your flight, means that your blood is encouraged to flow as normal and travel to your heart. If the blood doesn’t do this, it can pool in your feet and legs and that’s when blood clots form.

Invest in a pair of travel socks today!

Travel socks are definitely a great investment if you are a regular flyer and want to arrive healthy at your next destination. You can learn all about TXG socks, on our website and take a look through our range of styles. If you need some assistance, feel free to give us a call on 1800 455 994 and one of our team will happily answer any questions you may have.

Please note: The information provided here is for general information only and is not intended to act as medical advice. We advise anyone interested in this subject to seek qualified, professional advice.

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